Telemedicine & mHealth

LabPush Project in Swaziland

To assess factors facilitating as well as factors hindering the adoption of mobile devices in the Swazi healthcare through evaluating the end-users of the LabPush system.

Mobile Motivational Messages for Change (3M4Chan) Intervention in TMU

The 3M4Chan pilot in Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taiwan, is a part of the SmokeFreeBrain project. It is aimed to understand how mobile motivational messages influence the process of quitting smoking.

Sana Mobile health Project

Sana Mobile health Project with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT-Harvard), USA and College of Medical Science & Technology (CoMST), Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

Travelers Electronic Health Record Template (TrEHRT)

Travelers Electronic Health Record Template (TrEHRT) with AMIA, APAMI, EFMI, IMIA